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Tasting Academy

The deepest wine tasting experience of the
Colli Orientali del Friuli wine region.

The deepest wine tasting experience of the Colli Orientali del Friuli wine region.


Territory, grapes, wines, climate, soils, stories, culture, and history of the Colli Orientali.

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The experience

The Tasting Academy offers a unique and educational experience where you can learn everything there is to know about the Colli Orientali. Let yourself be guided through the territory and its wines by tasting up to 32 different wines.

Tasting Academy

Book your visit to the Tasting Academy to discover everything about the territories and wines of our land. You will journey through the different areas of the Friuli Colli Orientali DOC, its subzones, and the DOCGs through a guided tasting of 32 wines.

Your guides

Led by our experts, you will embark on a journey to discover what happens in the vineyards of the Colli Orientali and how microclimates, different soils, and exposures make the wines so unique.

Matteo Bellotto

Philosopher, sommelier, and passionate of Friulian history and culture, he defines himself as a ‘tocainomane.’ Born in Gemona in 1980, he lives in Udine. A contributor to the MangiaVino magazine produced by the Italian Sommelier Association of Friuli Venezia Giulia, he is the author of ‘Storie di vino e Friuli Venezia Giulia’ and ‘Di terra e di vino – Romanzo friulano’. 


Francesco Scalettaris

Agronomist and wine communication expert, both in the digital and traditional worlds. Born in Udine he has always been involved in explaining wine in an easy, understandable, and cheerful way. Sommelier, he has written two comic book manuals: ‘Understanding Wine’ and ‘Understanding Beer.’ He invented the format of ‘drawn tastings’ and, together with Matteo, travels across Italy and Europe to tell the story of the Colli Orientali territory.


Laura Antoniacomi

The youngest of the trio, Laura studied with WSET and specialized in Food & Wine Business. She has been collaborating for years with PromoTurismo FVG, the Tourism Promotion Agency of the Region in the food and wine sector, holding meetings, tastings, and themed conferences on wine, food, and beer from Friuli Venezia Giulia. She is the creator of various formats such as Talk&Taj, informal meetings with the region’s winemakers.


Tasting Academy

What wines will we taste?

  • The 32 wines are in constant rotation.

Right now at the Tasting Academy, you will find the following wines:

Friulano 2021 Aquila del Torre
Friulano 2020 Omnia
Friulano 2021 Zorzettig
Friulano 2021 Snidero
Friulano 2022 Rodaro
Friulano 2022 Zorzenone
Friulano 2022 Pizzulin
Friulano 2022 Nexus
Sauvignon 2023 Ronco dei Pini
Sauvignon 2022 Gigante
Sauvignon 2022 Valerio Marinig
Sauvignon 2021 La Sclusa
Sauvignon 2022 Jacuss
Sauvignon 2022 Ermacora
Sauvignon 2022 Tunella
Sauvignon 2023 Gildo

Pinot grigio 2022 Butussi
Ribolla gialla 2021 Collavini
Ribolla gialla 2022 Nadalutti
Ribolla gialla 2021 Canus
Chardonnay 2021 Croatto
Pinot grigio 2022 Rocca Bernarda
Pinot grigio 2022 Torre Rosazza
Pinot grigio 2022 Roi Clar
Pignolo 2013 Conte d’Attimis Maniago
Pignolo 2012 Moschioni
Rosso 2019 – Lis Fadis
Schiopettino di Prepotto 2019 Vigna Traverso
Refosco di Faedis 2019 Ronc dai Luchis
Merlot 2018 Rocca Bernarda
Refosco DPR 2021 Petrucco
Rosso 2019 – Omnia

What is it all about?

  • Guided by Matteo, Francesco, or Laura, you will discover the Friuli Colli Orientali DOC and the DOCGs Ramandolo, Rosazzo, and Picolit, along with all their respective subzones (Refosco di Faedis, Cialla, Schioppettino di Prepotto, Ribolla Gialla, and Pignolo di Rosazzo). We will show you data about individual vineyards, history and oenologiy, and then we’ll move on to tasting up to 32 different wines together.

How long does the visit last?

  • It’s not actually a visit, but a real Masterclass on the Colli Orientali that typically lasts 2 hours.

Are you open on Saturdays and Sundays?

  • Only for groups of more than 5 people. Please send us an email at, and we will provide you with our availability for weekends.

What time is it open?

  • Our hours are from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM and from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM.

Do you offer specific focuses, for example on varieties, territories, or vintages?

  • Yes, of course. Write us your specific interests in the booking notes, and we will organize accordingly.

Can we buy wines from you?

  • The Consortium is solely involved in promotion and does not engage in commercial activities. The wines you taste with us can be found, along with many others, in the wineries of the Colli Orientali.

What is the cost?

  • If you are a wine or restaurant professional (importer, buyer, sommelier/waiter, wine shop owner, bar manager), the experience is free. If you are a wine lover, enthusiast, or non-professional sommelier, the cost is €25 per participant for groups of up to 5 people, and €20 per participant for groups of more than 5 people.

Where are you located?

  • We are in Corno di Rosazzo, Piazza XXVII Maggio, 11, 13 km from Udine, on the 1st floor of the Consorzio Friuli Colli Orientali and Ramandolo. Click here to open the map.

Does the experience change every time?

  • The wines, as mentioned, change constantly, and therefore, the things we discuss also change.

How can I book?

What do they say about the Tasting Academy?


A unique experience… We were welcomed by Matteo who entertained us for over two hours, explaining a bit of history, geography, philosophy, soil composition and exposure, and helping us understand the differences between productions made just a few hundred meters apart… Top!


What can I say… a fantastic experience. Matteo and Francesco, two professionals in the wine industry, will guide you in discovering the wines of the DOC Colli Orientali through historical, statistical, and geographical data. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Until next time!


Wow. A unique and superb tasting. A very rich and varied evening in a room all to ourselves. Matteo took us on a very exciting journey through the wines.


Located in a wing of an 18th-century villa, very well-maintained, it represents a truly unique center of its kind for the type of work that is done: with great passion, everything related to wine is followed, analyzing in detail all the wineries in the area. All of this is not done just because it’s a job, but because there is an infinite culture and passion behind it.

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